Privacy Policy

intflow Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) places great importance on the privacy of its customers and complies with the “Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection.” This Privacy Policy informs you about how the personal information you provide is used, the purposes for which it is used, and the measures taken to protect your personal data.

■ Personal Information Collected
The Company collects the following personal information for consultation, service applications, and other purposes.

ο Collected Items: Required items, service usage records, access logs, IP address information

■ Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information
The Company uses the collected personal information for the purpose of ‘responding to customer inquiries.’

■ Retention and Use Period of Personal Information
The Company will promptly dispose of personal information without exception once the purpose of collection and use has been fulfilled.

■ Provision of Personal Information
The Company generally does not provide users’ personal information to external parties. However, exceptions are made in the following cases
– If users have given prior consent
– If required by law or in cases where law enforcement agencies request information according to legal procedures for investigation purposes

■ Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices
The Company operates ‘cookies’ and other similar technologies to periodically store and retrieve your information. A cookie is a small text file sent by the server operating the website to your browser and stored on your computer’s hard disk. The Company uses cookies for the following purposes

▶ Purpose of Using Cookies and Similar Technologies
– Analyzing the frequency of access and visit times for members and non-members, identifying user preferences and interests, tracking activity, and understanding participation in various events and visit counts for targeted marketing and personalized services.

You have the choice to accept or reject cookies. You can configure your web browser to accept all cookies, prompt you each time a cookie is being stored, or reject all cookies.

▶ Example of Refusing Cookie Settings
You have the option to refuse cookies by adjusting the settings in your web browser. You can choose to allow all cookies, be prompted each time a cookie is saved, or refuse all cookies.

Example of setting (for Internet Explorer): Go to the browser’s top menu > Tools > Internet Options > Privacy.

Please note that if you refuse to accept cookies, there may be difficulties in providing some services.

■ Privacy-related Complaint Service
You may report any privacy-related complaints arising from your use of the company’s services to the person in charge of personal information management or the designated department.
The company will promptly provide a thorough response to any reports from users

For any other privacy infringement reports or if you need counseling, please contact the relevant authorities