Noncontact Weighing

AI contactless weight measurement technology
is a key technology for livestock automation.

By simply pointing the camera, the weight of the animals
in the frame is measured in real-time,
requiring no other equipment except for the camera.

Measuring animal weight
doesn't get any easier
than this.

Today, individual data continues
to accumulate, and the measurement results
are becoming more accurate.

Average Accuracy

0 %

Daily average

0 pigs

Average time per individual weight measurement

0 seconds

Core Technology
of Contactless Weight Measurement

Real-time Estimation

Through an advanced animal body shape model, 50 weight-related variables are estimated in real-time for each individual.

Over 1 Million Individual
Weight Data Points

The body shape-based weight prediction AI model, developed from over 1 million individual weight data points, overcomes various variables such as breed, growth stage, and rearing environment, and helps in accurate weight measurement.

Consistent Weight Measurement

By tracking changes in individual animal postures and movements, we measure consistent weight even with natural changes in movement.

Technology Partnership Inquiry

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