
24/7 Continuous Group Behavior Analysis,
Simultaneous Measurement of Large Numbers
of Animals such as Pigs and Chickens

Core Technology
of Group Behavior Analysis


0 %

Accuracy in Individual Movement Tracking

Even genetically identical piglets can be tracked without sensors or barcodes, using only the camera.

AI Voucher MOTA
(Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy)


0 %

Accuracy in Individual Posture Classification

Real-time classification of various postures of livestock such as pigs, cattle, and dairy cows. Analyzes 4 postures for pigs and 7 postures for cattle, applicable in areas such as feed management, disease monitoring, and estrus detection.

Measured based on mAP50 IoU, comparing the overlap between actual BBox and detected BBox.

Individual Posture Data

0 Million

Accuracy in Individual Posture Classification

The posture classification AI model, trained on over 2,500,000 individual posture data points, classifies everything from basic postures to unique animal-specific postures in real-time.

Cattle Individual Posture Data


Pig Individual Posture Data

1 Million

Accurate tracking is possible even
in the moments that humans might miss.

Advanced Multiple Object Tracking technology,
combined with 50 weight-related variables, allows for precise tracking
of various animals' shapes, postures, and characteristics,
including moments that humans might miss.

Group Behavioral Analysis

Utilizing an unsupervised learning model to connect related individuals,
generate heatmaps based on the movement and posture of the entire group,
and provide data and visual analysis of situations occurring among complex groups of animals.

Cattle Posture Classification Criteria
NO Behavior Classification Details
1 Standing Standing cattle that do not engage in other behaviors (e.g., tail raising, eating, head scratching).
2 Lying Down Cattle with their chest touching the ground.
3 Eating Cattle extending their head outside the fence while eating.
4 Head Scratching Cattle performing head scratching or with their head bent.
5 Tail Raising Standing posture with the tail raised.
6 Sitting Cattle with their hindquarters and back legs touching the ground, while only the front legs are extended.
7 Mounting Posture of standing on another cow with the front legs, while the rear legs remain on the ground (applies only to the cow on top).
Pig Posture Classification Criteria
NO Behavior Classification Details
1 Standing The pig is standing with all four legs on the ground, head up, and facing forward.
2 Lying Down The pig is lying down with its chest touching the ground, or lying on one side with its belly facing upwards and one side of its back touching the ground.
3 Eating The pig is in a standing posture with its head lowered towards the feed trough.
4 Sitting The pig is lying down with its hindquarters and back legs touching the ground, while only its front legs are extended.우


Individual Movement Tracking
and Posture Classification

Movement and posture data of multiple animals over time
(time, individual ID, location, posture)

Data Preprocessing
(feature extraction, normalization, and standardization)

Unsupervised Learning (k-means, DBSCAN)
for data analysis

Extraction of group behaviors occurring at specific times
(aggregation, dispersion, mounting, fighting, feeding)

Technology Partnership Inquiry

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