Digital Transformation

Object Intelligence +
Language Model (AIoT + LM)

Feed Bin

Intelligent Access and Biosecurity Management


Pig Sorter

Non-Contact Feed Efficiency Meter

Feed Bin Manager
Intelligent Access
and Biosecurity
Automatic Feeder
Non-Contact Pig Sorter
Non-Contact Feed Efficiency Meter

Feed Bin Manager

Intelligent Access
and Biosecurity Management

Automatic Feeder

Non-Contact Pig Sorter

Feed Efficiency Meter

Feed Bin Manager
Intelligent Access
and Biosecurity
Pig Sorter
Non-Contact Feed Efficiency Meter

Connecting AI and Things
to Drive Digital Transformation
on the Field.

Existing devices such as sensors, ventilation fans,
and window openers can all be connected
to artificial intelligence.

Devices are organically connected
with AI to perceive and respond
to on-site conditions.

This allows for the automation
of tasks that were previously verified
and controlled directly by people on-site.

Integrated platform
for farm management
with AIoT technology

The protocol interpretation technology understands
the various communication protocols used on existing devices,
such as RS232, RS485 and TCP,
and synchronizes them with the integrated platform.

Versatile AIoT Gateway Hardware
for Implementing Communication Between Integrated Platforms

The language model-based autonomous control technology analyzes various devices connected
to the integrated platform in a complex manner to perceive on-site conditions and respond appropriately.