Unlimited Training
Data Generation

Unlimited Learning Data Generation

We can generate data
in environments and situations
where data acquisition is challenging.

Solving AI Performance Degradation

Automatically generate training data needed for video analysis
to address AI performance degradation caused by data shortages.
We generate not just plausible images, but also provide labels
and images required for AI model training simultaneously.

New Possibilities

Easily generate training data that is difficult
to obtain in the physical world, such as industrial sites,
livestock environments, rare breeds, and rare scenes.

Required Seed Data

0 Images

Time Required for Data Generation

0 seconds

Improvement in Video Model Accuracy
After Applying Generated Data

0 %
Real Data
Generation Data

Core Technology
of Unlimited Learning
Data Generation

Based on the latest Controlled Image Generation models like Stable Diffusion and Gligen, we have overcome the trade-off between image quality and control range for images related to people and animals.

With our unique control parameter generation technology, we create images and training data with desired forms, including object location, size, type, posture, breed, and background.

Usage Examples

In a pig farm, we generate high-quality images of rare breeds (Iberian, Black pigs)
in rare postures (fighting, sitting, etc.) and in unique environments (sunlit outdoor corridors).
The images are generated regardless of the number of animals, their positions, or combinations with other breeds.

Technology Partnership Inquiry

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